The Universe of the Spirits
A Scientific Investigation of Human Spirituality:“My intention is to lay the cards on the table with respect to the human being, who is on the brink of destroying the planet [...] Book only available in pdf.
The Universal Man
Only by conscientizing our errors it is possible to correct them and avoid committing more errors.This is the way to form the Universal Man,i.e.,the"integral"or "cosmic" man.The author tells us that man’s structure is universal [...] Book only available in pdf.
The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics
In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature [...]
The Origin of Illness: Psychological, Physical, Social
In this provocative book, Keppe shows how the keystone of mental, physical and social illness is our unconscious resistance to goodness, truth and beauty, and as a result, a battle is waged both within us and against others. [...]
Trilogical Metaphysics - The Liberation of Being
In this pioneering and scientific study of Metaphysics, Keppe focuses on Aristotle and some Aristotelian-Thomist philosophers and manages to dis-invert this field of philosophy [...]
Work and Capital
The author shows that the capitalist system is stuck in a dead-end, especially after John M. Keynes endorsed the thesis of speculation - as if that was the only way to save capitalism.[...]
Book only available in pdf.
Liberation of the People - The Pathology of Power
In this, his 17th book, Keppe turns his attention to the study of psycho-socio-pathology, specifically the study of the pathology of power and the power-seeker. [...]
The Decay of the American People (and of the United States)
Although written over twenty years ago, this book still proves to be a comprehensive, fully documented scientific critique of the causes of the psychological, social and economic problems [...]
Immensely readable with an emphasis on true spirituality,Glorification is a profound and encouraging analysis of man, reality and mental health. Keppe shows that the human being [...]
In this highly therapeutic book, with a special skill that is both highly advanced and curative, Keppe deals with neurosis and the anxiety that afflicts everyone today.[...]