Health and Energy - Online Course
Marcia Sgrinhelli, DDS
International lecturer and specialist in the application of Integral Psychoanalysis in psychosomatic dentistry sine 1982. Co-author (with Heloisa Coelho) “Dentistry in the Third Millennium” vols 1 and 2 and author of the children’s book “The Dirty Little Tooth In The Chewing Factory.” Graduate: The University of Sao Paulo Dental School, 1982. www.odontotrilogica.odo.br
Heloísa Coelho, DDS
International lecturer and specialist in the application of Integral Psychoanalysis in psychosomatic dentistry since 1983. Co-author (with Marcia Sgrinhelli) “Dentistry in the Third Millennium” vols 1 and 2 Graduate: The University of Sao Paulo Dental School,1983. www.odontotrilogica.odo.br
Psychopathology I, II and III
Sofie Bergqvist,
International lecturer, psychosociotherapist and instructor at the Keppe-Pacheco Institute and Millennium Language School in Sao Paulo Brazil. She has translated 5 of Norberto Keppe’s books into Swedish. Graduate University of Stockholm, Sweden, BA in Humanistic sciences. www.millenniumempresarial.com.br
Kerstin Arvidsson, RN
International lecturer and Psychoanalyst at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy since 2001. She worked for many years as a psychiatric nurse in Sweden. www.analytisktrilogi.org
Dialetic interiorization
Markku Lyyra
International lecturer and psychoanalyst at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy since 1987 and instructor at the Keppe-Pacheco Institute and Millennium Language School in Sao Paulo Brazil. Graduate University of Turku in Finland, BA in Humanistic Sciences. www.trilogiaanalitica.com.br
Cesar Soós
Has a degree in mining engineering from the University of São Paulo. He is a lecturer and researcher in metaphysics and Trilogical Physics with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, and a professor of psychoenergetics at the Keppe-Pacheco Institute. www.keppemotor.com
The Energetics of Forms
Roberto Frascari
Is an international lecturer and researcher in Trilogical Physics and Metaphysics with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy and the creator and editor of Trilogical Metaphysics Magazine published in Brazil. www.keppemotor.com
Norberto Keppe, Cesar Soós and Roberto Frascari have recently developed the Keppe Motor, based on the postulates outlined in Keppe’s New Physics. This motor more efficiently captures the essential energy from the universe and is immediately useful for combating global warming and reducing pollution. It has immediate applications in the areas of health, environmental, agricultural, telecommunications and transportation
Essential Energy
Alexandre Frascari
Has a degree in mechanical engineering from the Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo. He has been a researcher in Trilogical Physics, science journalist, international lecturer with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy for the past 20 years. www.keppemotor.com
Richard Lloyd Jones
Has a degree from the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver, and more than 30 years experience in media and communications. He is a Canadian broadcaster, an international lecturer with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy and host of the popular radio program, Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head based on Norberto Keppe’s science of psycho-socio-pathology. www.somebodyelseshead.wordpress.com www.healingthroughconsciousness.com www.richjonesvoice.com
Biology and Genetics
Fabio Luiz Iasi
Civil Engineer,
psychosociotherapist and professor of Trilogical Nutrition at the Department of Psychosomatic medicine at the International Society of Analytical Trilogy and instructor at the Millennium Language School. Director of Products at the Keppe Motor Center. www.keppemotor.com
Our Inner Doctor
Roberto Giraldo, MD
Specialist in Internal Medicine, Tropical and Immunological diseases from University of Antioquia, Colombia; Kansas and Cornell, United States; and London, Great Britain. Independent researcher of AIDS since 1981. Author of several books. Director of the Department of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine of the University Livre Keppe and Pacheco in São Paulo, Brazil. www.keppepacheco.com www.robertogiraldo.com
Project Leaders
Kerstin Bergqvist
Has a Master’s degree from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and is an international lecturer and Trilogical psychosociotherpist, and founder and president of Svenska institutet för integral psykoanalys specializing in courses on cooperation and conflict-solving in the workplace based on Analytical Trilogy. www.analytisktrilogi.se
Luciara Avelino
B.A., and Certified Psycho-socio-therapist. Graduated in languages at University of Brasília – Brazil. Worked on the development and teaching of training programs in psycho-socio-therapy with the International Society of Analytical Trilogy in Brazil. Coordinator of innovative consulting program to train teachers to apply psycho-socio therapy techniques in their educational institutions. Currently assisting in developing a Pos graduation course in Psychosocialpathology, based on the pioneering work of Dr. Norberto Keppe. International lecturer with a special focus on education issues.
Web Design
Lisa Månsson
Is a specialist in web design, e-learning and multimedia development, serving companies in Sweden and around the world. She is the founder and president of KLOKA web design in Gothenburg, Sweden and a 2009 Beautiful Business Award nominee. www.kloka.se
Translation and Revision
Susan Berkley
Is an international communications specialist, lecturer and trilogical psychosociotherapist, founder and president of The Great Voice Company, Englewood, Cliffs, NJ and Author: Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power Of Your Voice. www.greatvoice.com